How to Make a Plan for Taking Medications During Your Ramadan Fast

There is so much wisdom in Islam, including in terms of well-being. In addition to the spiritual benefits this month brings us, one meta-analysis suggests that fasting for Ramadan also can lead to positive physical health changes. But for people taking certain medications, particularly those with chronic conditions (including mental health diagnoses) that need prolonged and consistent care, fasting for Ramadan may be contraindicated—meaning, it’s not safe for these people, or they may need medication adjustments to safely fast.

How to Navigate Ramadan When You're Struggling With Your Mental Health

During Ramadan, our bodies, minds, and spirits are pushed to their limits with fasting from sunup to sundown. Our sleep schedules are usually irregular due to nightly prayers and pre-dawn meals. Despite getting less sleep than usual, we are usually showing up for life more, becoming more active in the community, doing charity, visiting the mosque, and gathering for iftar parties. For those living in non-Muslim-majority countries, it’s likely that our workload is the same, without any consideration or accommodation for the spiritual journey that we are on. But if you're wondering about Ramadan and mental health, it can certainly be tricky. So how can we protect and manage our mental health despite the increased pressure during Ramadan? And how can we collectively engage with mental health challenges so that we are providing community care?

How to Navigate Ramadan With a Chronic Illness

Ramadan fasting is challenging even for those who enjoy good health. But what happens for Muslims living with chronic illnesses? Fasting is one of the better known aspects of Ramadan, but for Muslims who have chronic illnesses, there are many reasons why Ramadan fasting may not be possible, including needing to take medications, blood sugar issues, a history of eating disorders, medical procedures, or other reasons that are, quite frankly, no one else’s business. Here's how to navigate Ramadan if you're unable to fast.

How My Faith as a Muslim Helps Me Cope With My Chronic Illness

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been labeled a "control freak." As a child, the word "bossy" was thrown around quite a bit. I started learning to let go—and yes, letting go is something I had to learn—through practicing Islam. I hadn’t realized how utterly exhausting it was to think everything was dependent on me all the time. There’s nothing like an autoimmune disease—or in my case, a cluster of immune-mediated illnesses—to show you exactly how little control you have over your body and its many functions.

Congresswoman-Elect Ilhan Omar Refuses to Entertain Islamophobia

Her story could be considered the American Dream. The youngest of seven children, she and her family fled the civil war in Somalia, first spending four years in a refugee camp in Kenya before coming to the U.S. in 1995. When Omar first arrived in the U.S. at 12 years old, she spoke no English. She overcame the pain and trauma of a childhood marred by war to make history threefold as the first hijabi in Congress, the first Somali-American legislator, and one of the first Muslim women in Congress.

7 Ways to Navigate Ramadan If Your Health Prevents You From Fasting

When we think about Ramadan, fasting is usually what comes to everyone’s mind. As Ramadan kicks off, you’ve probably already heard “Not even water?!” at least five times. Ramadan, particularly fasting, can be challenging, even for those of us in the best of health. For those of us with chronic illnesses, fasting during Ramadan may not be possible, either due to exacerbations, medications, hospitalizations, or medically necessary procedures.

Marketing To Muslim Consumers Is Easier (And Harder) Than You Think

Muslim consumers are a rapidly growing demographic with tremendous spending power, present in virtually every market in the world. Despite this, Muslims are a largely underserved and frequently overlooked economic sector. Since a whopping 90% of Muslims say that their faith impacts their buying habits, categorically ignoring the needs of Muslim consumers is clearly a costly mistake. So is plowing in blindly without considering the particular nuances of this multifaceted market. So how should you market to Muslim consumers?
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